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Should I get an award for bravery?

This is me in Wales barking at a wind turbine. the wind turbine is just out of the frame quaking in terror

In the UK we have the Queens New Years honours list where the great and good are awarded various honours such as being made a ‘Sir’ ‘Lord’ or ‘The Grand Lieutenant of the Queens Cutlery’ (Ok I made that last one up) and it has amazed me every year why an envelope has never popped through my door with an invitation to go and see the Queen at Buckingham Palace. If I did get an honour it would most probably be for services to pigeon eradication though, this year, it could be for bravery as in 2021 I have been incredibly brave. Jason Statham brave. Earlier in the year we had the new USAF Squadron move into nearby RAF Fairford and as such we had war planes operating overhead. A less brave soldier than myself might have hid inside due to the noise but not me, I was out there in the garden barking at them as they flew over and after a week they clearly got the message as they flew away. These warplanes might produce ‘shock and awe’ in other places but to me they were just another intruder to be chased off the property. Job done! Then we had fireworks night which was accompanied by the usual warnings about keeping pets inside. Really? I was out all evening barking at the explo

sions and bright lights. No fear you see, no fear at all….. Then there was the wind turbines. On a recent trip to Wales to visit my friends Alfie (you might remember him he is the one who ate a whole potato) and Gizmo (you might remember him also as my sister Guinness’s sex pest) we went on a mammoth walk up in the hills. Bizarrely this walk seemed to defy physics as the first half was mainly up hill and the second half was completely uphill and yet we ended up at the place we started. After a couple of hours out in the wilds we came across wind turbines generating clean energy. I’d never been up close to one before and I can tell you they are absolutely enormous and made quite a racket but again I was not impressed. Even though I was on their ‘territory’ I gave them a good barking I can tell you and I could tell they knew they had met their match. You can’t teach that kind of bravery, you are born with it.

So back to the New Years Honours. I guess for the Queen it is a simple choice. Either reward a celebrity who has made him or herself rich doing what they love or a selfless brave Norfolk who literally daily puts his life on the line keeping his families property safe from pigeons, fighter planes, wind turbines

and fireworks. Over to you Ma’am.

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