So today I had a new experience, I went to the dentist. To be honest its been coming as my teeth have looked like a row of tiny gravestones for a while and my breath was fairly powerful. My Dad was threatening to rent me out to people who wanted wall paper stripped it was that bad. Bit unkind to be honest. Anyway I went for a check up and it turns out that I need to have a few choppers out, some in the front and a couple down the side. There was a lot of talk about what needs to come out but I couldn't help but notice that there was no talk about what is going in. The bottom line is I am not prepared to have dentures. There I've said it. Its not that I am vain its just that I have a public to think about. Round here I am one of the 'faces' and I am known as a style and fashion guru and dentures are simply not 'me.' On top of that if I have a little glass next to my bed to pop them in when I sleep it is inevitable that in the middle of the night I will wake up, be all drowsy and end up drinking the teeth infested water. I am also worried that with dentures, regardless of what the adverts say about the fixative, I will finally clamp on to Thanos and they will come loose and I will be sitting there in my garden with Thanos up a tree with my dentures! If that happened I don't think I would every truly recover. I am hoping for something like ivory implants. I am guessing they are expensive but I genuinely think I am worth it.
This Friday is dentist day, or D day as I like to refer to it. Wish me luck.
