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It's hot, darn hot !!

It’s hot, damn hot!

Those of you familiar with English weather will know that it varies between wet and windy to just wet with only the occasional tempting glimpse of the sun. Well today we have gone all Sahara and it has been unbroken sunshine all day. For my humans this has invoked all manner of excitement - my Dad has even got his knees out, that’s something that once seen is very difficult to unsee - but for me it’s been a struggle. Blessed as I am with a luxuriant ginger coat and as such no need of a tan, I struggle with the heat. It felt like I was in a remake of Bridge on the River Kwai with myself as Colonel Nicholson toiling under the Burmese sun whilst dastardly Colonel Saito, played with inscrutable cruelty by Thanos, sat in his lofty control tower ( the ash tree) watching me suffer. I was tempted to build some sort of bridge as a homage to the film but then I realised I didn’t have any opposable thumbs and to be honest it was too hot so I went and had a sleep under the parasol.

In the evening we had something called a BBQ which was as cruel as Saito putting Nicholson in the iron box as basically it consisted of me smelling cooking steaks, sausages and chicken kebabs for what felt like an eternity, at the end of which I got half a sausage. Half a sausage! It didn’t even touch the sides as it went into my stomach. None of the steak found its way to me, or the chicken - bit rude to be honest - though I did manage to pounce on something that fell to the floor from one of my brothers plates, though I have a horrible feeling that it might have been a piece of onion. If that is the case the forecast for tonight is strong winds in the Cotswold area.

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