Like most internet celebrities I have a 'public,' and let me tell you that public is demanding and I feel the pressure from my fan base to maintain incredibly high standards of cuteness. There are days when I look at the other mutts in the area with a certain degree of envy. Some look like their grooming was done with a knife and fork and several look like the groomer was Stevie Wonder, but then I accept that they are simply not blessed with the same good looks that I have been gifted and as such, for them, it is an uphill struggle. The pandemic has played havoc with my public image and at the moment I am honest enough to admit that I am not looking my best. Dad, rather unkindly, mentioned that I looked like I had got dressed in a wind tunnel, but the light at the end of the sartorial tunnel is well and truly on. Tomorrow I am having spa day!! I honestly think that my spa days are the best days, only slightly less enjoyable than when I discover an unguarded dinner plate or stumble upon some fresh fox poo.
It there was a Norfolk Terrier weather forecast it would be that tonight things are still looking grim but tomorrow is forecast to be filled with gorgeousness and the return of a little ray of sunshine. Oh happy days !