It's funny, for the last 4 years I have been locked in a battle with Thanos. No quarter given, none expected and today I am sensing that my day of victory has arrived as Thanos has been absent from the garden for two days. It could be that he has accepted defeat and has slopped off to do battle against a less ferocious adversary or he may well have gone to that great pigeon pie in the sky. The reality is I miss him. Our battles gave structure to my life, a break from massive TV sessions and there is now a Thanos sized gap in my life that I fear will never be filled again. I've tried chasing the blue tits but my heart isn't in it and they are a bit pathetic as adversaries go to be honest.

On a more positive note I have had enormous success in eating things I am not allowed to today. On my walk this morning I managed to eat some fresh cat poo, a dead small rodent and something else that was a bit gooey that I genuinely have no idea what it was. The walk was like a mobile buffet. Happy days.
I caught sight of myself in the mirror today. Lockdown is taking its toll. I resemble an explosion in a build-a-bear shop and for someone with a high public profile such as myself this is an issue. My public expect standards to be maintained. I am one of the 'faces' and a solution will have to be found.
Number of times Thanos taunted me - 0
Number of times I chased Thanos out of the garden - 0
Number of things I ate that I shouldn't have - 3
Hours of TV watched - 2.5