I'm just going to put this out there - I hate pigeons. More than that I hate one particular pigeon more than anything else in the whole wide world and that is the leader of the pigeons, a pigeon who I have come to call........ 'Thanos.' Most pigeons are just annoying, with their squinty little eyes and their need to poo wherever they sit or fly (what kind of an animal poo's whilst flying? Its like a dirty protest by the Luftwaffe! My Dad sometimes parks his car under a tree where they roost and somedays he comes out and his car looks like a mobile Igloo ) but Thanos is pure evil. He literally sits on MY fence taunting me, laughing through his pointy beak. He struts up and down the garden like some feathered gangsta. I swear yesterday I was looking at him through the window and he moonwalked past the tennis ball I had left out there. Pure evil.
Thanos - my Nemesis
Updated: Jan 24, 2021