I have to admit to not being a great lover of the summer. It's not so much that I suffer with my luxuriant coat in the summer heat, though that is a challenge it's more the damage to my eyes. Incidentally whilst my parents refer to my coat colour as 'ginger' I am fairly sure that if my coat were a paint colour it would be referred to as 'Caribbean Sunset' or even 'Heavenly Russet', anyway I digress. So my eyes in the summer. It's not the glare from the sun or the length of day its quite simply the sights they are forced to behold. First amongst the eye trauma is when my Dad gets his shorts outs. Now he is not in the first flush of youth and has not been blessed genetically with what anyone would call 'good legs.' They are essentially white, thin and hairy. If you pictured two pieces of string, each with a knot half way down you would not be far away. Then there are the knees themselves. His look like un-baked rock cakes. Not a good look and quite painful to look at to be honest. However the legs and knees pale into insignificance when the sandals come out........
Now as I am blessed with being short of leg I am basically at foot level a lot of the time. In our family there are 7 of us. Myself, the most loved member of the family obviously, Mum and Dad, my dog sister Guinness, my two human brothers Will and Tom and the Tortoise, 'Tank'. My Dad has the worse feet of all of us by a country mile. Trust me when you have worse looking feet than a tortoise things have gone very badly wrong. Sometimes I look at his feet and his toes don't even look as if they came out of the same packet. Its like they were assembled from the spare parts bin. I shouldn't have to look at these sort of things. Its not pleasant and operating at the height I do could well infringe my dog rights.
As always I shall soldier on, with hardly a grumble but if I wake up one more time to find that the sandals and foot combination is a matter of inches from my face as I open my eyes, Dad and I shall be having words.
On a completely separate note I have started burping when I drink a lot of water now that it is hot. Being of Royal blood and at heart a Gentlemen I try to not draw attention to it but sadly my humans think it is hilarious and make a mountain out of it. Simple things please simple minds.
The day in numbers
Number of times I have woken up and been startled by ugly feet - 3
Number of times I have chased Thanos and what I assume is one of his feathered children - 7
Number of things I have have eaten at the speed of light as they have fallen to the kitchen floor - 2
Number o things I have eaten on my walk that I got told off for - 2