I've basically worked out that in my life there are good days and there are very good days. Today was a very good day. Not only did I go on a lovely long walk with my entire family out in the Cotswolds but I came within 10 foot of the biggest ducks* I have ever seen. As anyone who knows me will testify I am nothing if not fearless and if I had not been on the lead there would have been an almighty battle as whilst they outnumbered me 2 to 1 I still feel I would have come out on top. (* - Editors note :- They were in fact Swans and as anyone who knows anything knows Swans will break a mans arm with one wing.......allegedly)
Then after a lovely sleep I managed to cram in not one but two films. The first one, 'Leap Year', I watched snuggled up with my Mum in front of the fire. It was really rather nice though yet again not one dog in the cast. Not one. Very doggist. One of the central themes of the story was 'if there was a fire and you had 60 seconds, what would you save?' Obviously for me thats a bit of a non-question as I already know that if that happened Mum would save me, and then if she had a few seconds to spare would also save my bed, my food bowl and maybe a couple of chews. Thats how Mum and I roll.
Then in the evening we had movie night and watched a film called 'Snowpiercer." Not to put too fine a point on it it was very entertaining but quite barking mad. I had to rush at the TV a couple of times to bark at some baddies and was again a bit disappointed that there were no dogs in even supporting roles but it was an OK watch. Apart that was from about 3/4 of the way through when the hero said, and I am not making this up, "You know, the thing I hate about myself the most is that I know what people taste like, and worst of all I know that babies taste the best." I actually giggled out loud as I am sure did the actors when they first saw that on the page. From that point on it all went a bit LSD on the dialogue front.
The final high point of the day is that I have worked out how to flip my new fangled 'slow' bowl over, sending the food cascading over the floor. I love it when a plan comes together. My PB for eating breakfast and dinner is once again within my reach as once again I am able to literally inhale my meals.